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Friday, February 15, 2013

Footsteps 2 Brilliance Giveaway!

Over the last few weeks, I have been trying out the Footsteps2Brilliance program on our iPads. This program includes the use of many different eBooks that are at appropriate guided reading levels for my learners as well as comprehension games and activities that the learner can complete on their own or with guidance.

We have utilized this program in our guided reading groups and it has been a great addition to our comprehension skills practice each day. The children enjoy the stories and the games, making this a fun addition to our curriculum. Some of the benefits that I have noticed as well as other teachers utilizing the program are: 

  • Increased use of vocabulary during discussions and practice activities
  • More opportunities to listen to reading 
  • Tools to build comprehension skills
  • Opportunity for independent learning
  • Fun, bright, interesting eBooks 

Please register for the Footsteps 2 Brilliance giveaway below! It is a great addition to any reading curriculum. Good luck!